July 26, 2024

India’s Gin Renaissance: Crafting a New Spirit in the Subcontinent

India’s Growing Love for Gin

Gin, the alcoholic drink made by redistilling alcohol with juniper berries and various botanicals, has seen a surge in popularity in India over the past few years. Once dominated by whiskey and rum, the gin market in India has grown rapidly as consumers developed new preferences for its unique flavours and Indian producers entered the market. This article explores the rise of gin in India and its growing acceptance among domestic drinkers.

Increase in Domestic Production

The launch of Indian craft gins: With Indian palates becoming more experimental, several small-batch Indian gin distilleries sprung up in recent years manufacturing craft gins using locally sourced botanicals. Notable new players include Greater Than, Stranger & Sons, Jaisalmer, and Rampur. Their focus on creating gins with Indian ingredients like lemongrass, black pepper, and vetiver appealed to Indian consumers.

Expansion of international brands: Established international gin brands like Bombay Sapphire, Tanqueray and Hendrick’s also strengthened their presence in India. They adapted their marketing to highlight elements of Indian culture and seasons in their branding as well as rolling out new premium variants specifically created for Indian drinkers. Their expansion helped further expose Indian consumers to the diversity in gin styles.

Changing Consumer Preferences

Taste revolution: Younger Indian drinkers developed an affinity for clearer spirits with more nuanced flavours compared to heavier, aged rum and whisky that were traditionally popular. Gin’s refreshing taste suited the tropical climate and its wide range of botanical profiles offered new drinking experiences.

Mixology culture: The rise of bartending schools and premium bars offering craft cocktails played a vital role in introducing Indians to gin. Novel gin cocktails adapted to Indian sensibilities increased the spirit’s accessibility. Mixologists focused on tropical flavours that married well with Indian gin.

Wellness trends: A focus on health and wellness drove many Indians to seek low-calorie alcoholic drinks. At 97 calories per 30ml serving, gin emerged as a lighter alternative to beer or sugary cocktails. Its association with ingredient provenance and natural botanicals matched current consumer values.

Marketing and Distribution Developments

The digital edge: Savvy Indian gin brands thrived on social media where they engaged consumers through education, seasonal recipes and virtual events. They built brand communities that felt exclusive and boosted aspiring brand ambassadors. International players also amplified digital efforts.

E-commerce growth: Buoyed by pandemic habits, online liquor sales gained legitimacy in India. This increased gin visibility through dedicated storefronts, subscription clubs, and targeted campaigns. E-commerce removed geographic barriers improving access across India.

Responsible drinking campaigns: As social drinking increases, producers partnered with bar associations and government bodies on safety initiatives around responsibleserving practices andDesignated Drivingprograms. This helped address social concerns and pushedcategorygrowth.

Policy improvements: Some states easedrestrictions aroundpremium spirits shops and licensing, benefittingginsellers.Focus wasalsoplaconencouragingfemale buyersthrough gender-neutral marketing and safeconsumptionspaces.

Popularity Continues to Rise

The future looks bright for Indian gin as familiarity and availability increase in the $15 billion Indian alcohol market. As disposable incomes rise, craft gins delivering uniqueness will appeal to adventurous Indian drinkers. International brands are also bullish about opportunities emerging from changing social trends as bars and restaurants reopen fully. With the next generation embracing new experiences, gin seems poised to only gain popularity as the preferred “pink drink” of modern India.

Consumer tastes evolve and premiumization spreads across India, the growing acceptability and innovative developments in gin are reshaping the nation’s beverage landscape. The evolution promises to establish gin as a dynamic, vibrant segment bringing both economic gains and cross-cultural exchange.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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